Saturday 11 July 2015

The lazy king is here

First, I'd like to apologize to those waiting for the next video. I'm very sorry. I haven't been working on the project. Some of it due to the changes in my personal life. But mostly due to just plain laziness. I do intend on continuing the project so it will be done sometime. I just can't promise a date.

That aside, there has been a lot of things happening in the gaming world that I'd like to talk about. Some good things and some not-so-good.

The biggest thing personally is the fact that a lot of the large Japanese videogame companies are starting to loose their respect from hardcore players. It's sad to see Konami, Capcom, and even Nintendo making some very strange/stupid decisions.

The biggest being Konami pretty much withdrawing from the console market. They haven't really admitted it but it's clear they're moving toward a mobile market and seem to pretty much forget about the console market all together. I understand that Japan has a large mobile market and the console is not very popular, but I feel North America and even Europe is still a very console oriented market. I feel like Konami just doesn't care about the market outside of Japan with their recent decision. The whole Hideo Kojima scandal makes it even worse. The way they handled it was really horrible and it almost seemed like they were telling players they didn't have any respect for our community. At least Kojima will hopefully be able to move on to make even more exciting games.

But not all is lost. At least Square-Enix seems to be doing very well judging from what they have planned for the future. I know a huge number of JRPG fans are excited to see a 'real' Final Fantasy 7 remake in the works and they seem to genuinely want to create games that appeal to fans of their games. The recent Final Fantasy 15 demo is a good example. Of course, listening to fans isn't necessarily a good thing but at least they appear to respect players. They also seem to realize that there are a lot of JRPG fans around the world so it's great to see that they have created a studio dedicated to making new JRPGs. I do hope it's the second coming of the golden age of JRPGs.

The most intriguing thing is to see crowd funding as the new hottest thing now with Keiji Inafune, Koga Igarashi and Yu Suzuki all Kickstarting some nostalgic but new exciting projects. I'd have to say that I'm cautiously optimistic about these new projects and do hope they meet expectations.

Wednesday 21 January 2015

Nintendo, why you make horrible decisions!?

I know it's late, but happy new year. Hopefully this year will be better than the last.

I've yet to record the next stage in the project but hopefully will have some time this weekend to do that and start working on the translation for the stage prologue.

This year has started out with a bang for Nintendo fans with them announcing some big name titles for the 3DS (like Majora's Mask) and the New 3DS finally heading over to other regions of the world. However, it's not all great news.

The New 3DS comes in two sizes in Japan. The normal and XL (LL in Japan) size. For unknown reasons, Europe will get both but North America will not be getting the normal size.

This is extremely baffling to me. I could understand it a little if they had decided that everyone outside of Japan didn't need the smaller 3DS, but it ONLY applies to the North American market? There's no explanation as to why this was necessary.

That is when I saw this article from Kotaku:

If you've read it, you'll kinda get a good idea of how the decision making process works in Nintendo. I believe this isn't just a Nintendo problem but a problem with most large and old Japanese companies.

The funniest thing about all this is that I had posted the same link on Mii-verse stating my displeasure of seeing Nintendo make bad decisions. Soon after I posted it, the post was immediately deleted by the administrator stating I violated the Miiverse code of conduct:

I'm not exactly sure what part I violated but I couldn't help but laugh at the situation. I hold no grudge against Nintendo for it and for all I know, maybe I did violate something on the Nintendo Network Agreement. But I can't help but feel like they admit they are making bad decisions by deleting my post.

As I said before, I believe other Japanese companies face the same issue. Sega's Phantasy Star Online 2 on Vita is a good example. You have to wonder if someone higher had initially said yes and then backed out half way through the development. The Asian market was even given a English version on PC so it makes it all the more suspicious. Even if they scrapped the Vita version it should of been easy to bring out the PC version.

Then there's Megaman series from Capcom. At least we have Mighty No.9 for that.

And how about Bandai/Namco with the Super Robot Wars. They might not be able to bring Z or Alpha due to copyright issues, but Original Generations shouldn't be a problem. Even the Masoukishin series would work.

Maybe this year, things will change and we'll finally see some Super Robot War games in English. Until then, I'll just have to keep what I'm doing.

Thursday 25 December 2014

Merry Christmas! SRW Alpha 3 Lightning Round: Selena Stage 12 Epilogue

Merry Christmas everyone!

The last part of stage 12 is finally done.

Nothing really special to note in terms of translation.

This few weeks have not been very pleasant as I've been getting sick. But I was determined to get this video out before Christmas and I was pretty happy I did...well kinda.

Anway, hope you guys enjoy and have a merry Christmas!

I'll leave a link for the video here until it's done uploading:

I'll embed the video when it's ready.

Here's the video:

Wednesday 3 December 2014

Advent of Super Smash Bros. on Wii U and the shrinking Monster Hunter Tri Ultimate community

With the new Super Smash Bros out on the Wii U, a lot of Wii U players are playing that game. Unfortunately, it's very clear that there's not as much people playing Monster Hunter Tri Ultimate anymore. It's sad to see but also inevitable. Since a lot of my friends on the Wii U are busy playing other games, it's gotten a lot harder to complete my weapon collection in the game. It's not impossible soloing but it would be easier if I had help.

At least there's still a few months before Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate is coming out so hopefully I can finish it up before then.

On the PS Vita side, I've been plucking away at Muramasa Rebirth and slowly making progress in Fury mode. One hit and die mode has been very tough but I've gotten up to the second ending for both characters. I'm right now contemplating on whether I should try to finish the Cave called the "Night of Absolute Chaos". It's not required to finish the game nor is it required to get any trophies as long as you've completed that cave once on the normal difficulty. But the perfectionist in me is tempted on trying to finish it. If I do manage to complete it, I'll definitely be taking a screenshot of it and posting it here.

For the PS3, I've been playing the Battride War 2. It's pretty cool to see each of the riders moves being replicated in the game. My favorite rider unfortunately is a bit quirky and hard to use compared to some other ones but that could change depending on the skills I could get as I progress.

Unfortunately, I couldn't get the next part of my SRW3 Alpha video out before the end of November but I am working on it and slowly making progress. I won't make any promises on when it'll be done but I am pretty sure it'll be done before the holidays. Hope you guys are looking forward to it.

Monday 10 November 2014

Back from Japan with a lot of Videogame Loot

I'm back from vacation and man was it a blast. Definitely had a lot of fun.

Wanted to show off some of the wonderful loot I got from my venture. It's not all of it but there's quite a bit.

First off, monster hunter:

Monster Hunter 4 G just got released so there was a lot of promotion for it. It was quite tempting to get the game but the problem is the region lock on the 3DS. I could of gotten one of those "New" 3DS but I knew I'd be getting an North American version when it comes out so suppressed my urge. The little card like things are actually coasters I got from the Capcom Bar. The books are manga's and the big meat is a comfy little pillow.

I actually also got a T-Shirt. It's a T-shirt to protect me from the desire sensor. It doesn't look anything special but I liked the idea. Too bad only people who can read Japanese will really get the joke. I tried it on and played some Monster hunter but looks like it didn't help...but then again, despite not getting the non-rare item I was looking for, I still got a lot of gems instead. So maybe it does work?

There's also some small little collectible statues from the game too. I got two monsters and 3 of the Felyne ones. I'll probably take pictures of it some time in the future.

The next ones is the Blazblue loot. The artbook for Chrono Phantasma and the PS3 game; Xblaze for the Vita which has some connection to the Blazblue world; and the shopping bag is something I got free for buying the artbook. The reason I got Chrono Phantasma in Japan is due to the fact that they removed the Glossary from the North American release.

I also had a chance to play Guilty Gear Xrd and man did it look good. I was terrible at the game but it played so smoothly and the 3D sprites were beautiful. Can't wait to get the North American release.

The 3rd picture is Super Robot Wars related. First two games from the left is the first of the Z series game and the 3rd Z game Jigoku chapter. The 3rd game is the OG Infinite Battle plus Dark Prison game. I only got this to get the Dark Prison. It was in the bargain bin. I don't even know if I'll ever play the game as it doesn't look very fun or good. The 4th is the DS game, OG saga Endless Frontier Exceed. I wanted to get it as it seems to have some actual connection to the whole OG series.

The next picture is Persona 3 FES, Persona 3 Portable, Person 4 Golden and Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remake. I've been interested in the Persona series but never played them before. I prefer Japanese text so I was waiting to get the game in Japan. Same goes for FFX as it's one of my Favorite FF series.

The last one are some other games I got in Japan. Masked Rider Battleride Wars 2, One Piece Pirate Warriors 2, Megaman Zero Collection, Danganronpa Reload 1 & 2, and Zettai Zetsubou Shoujo.

I grew up watching Masked Rider Black RX, so the Masked Rider series still has a kind of special place in my heart. I kinda wish there was a good Garo game but I haven't really seen one. I haven't been really following all the new Rider series but a few that I watched were fun so I figured I'd get it. It's actually a limited edition disc that has actual songs from the TV or movie series.

One Piece Pirate Warriors 2 did come out in North America but was only available as a downloadable only game.

Megaman Zero is probably one of my all time favorite Megaman series. I couldn't find the North American release of the game so I was on the look out of one in Japan. Thankfully I found one.

Danganronpa was just release in North America too but as separate games. I knew the Japanese version actually came out together as one package instead. Zettai Zetsubou Shoujo wasn't actually something I was really all that interested in getting...until I found out it actually happens after the two Danganronpa games.

That pretty much is all my gaming loot. I also got a small adapter for the 3DS that let's me charge it using a USB cell phone charger. Definitely useful for travelling as I won't need to rely on the actual AC adapter for charging my 3DS. I also got a 64 GB memory card for the Vita. Not sure why it's only available in Japan but I got one since my 32 GB was already getting full.

I'm hoping to resume my Lightning Round project and get a video out before the end of this month. I'm sure many of you are looking forward to it. The next update will probably be about the other loot from Japan. Stuff that aren't exactly Videogame related but related to mechs and anime.

Monday 13 October 2014

SRW Alpha 3 Lightning Round: Selena Stage 12 Conclusion

The moment you have all been waiting for is finally here!

Stage translation is finally complete! Now witness the power of Dygenguar!

Anyway, I'm happy to say that it's finally done and I finished it before leaving for my trip. It was a long time coming and it is finally up. I hope you all enjoy it. It did end up being quite long because of the story event that takes place halfway through the game.

I don't know if I'll have a chance to update my blog during my trip but if I don't, I'll let you know when I'm back and working on the epilogue for this stage. Until then, enjoy the video!

Monday 29 September 2014

Masou Kishin Series and Updates

As mentioned before, I now have all of the Masou Kishin series in my collection. Unfortuantely, it looks like a while before I can really start playing all of them.

The biggest reason is the picture below:

This is a pic from the art book that came along with the Limited Edition Masou Kishin F box. It outlines how this series and the other OG series Super Robot games connect.

I knew about some of the series placements but I was quite surprised to see some that I didn't think had any bearing to the rest of the series.

Here's a translation:
Masou Kishin The Lord of Elemental Part 1
Super Robot Wars OG Original Generations (PS2)
Super Robot Wars OG Gaiden (PS2)
Endless Frontier EXCEED Super Robot Wars OG Saga (DS)
Another Century's Episode: R (PS3)
2nd Super Robot Wars OG (PS3)
Super Robot Wars OG Dark Prison (PS3)
Masou Kishin The Lord of Elemental Part 2

Of course, after The Lord of Elemental, the rest of the Masou Kishin will continue from there.

The surprise was to see ACE:R and Endless Frontier. I knew that both games had some cameo's from the OG series but was not aware that they actually were officially part of the story. I think I'll have to see if I can pick up Endless Frontier when I go to Japan later. I know they actually did translate that and brought it over but I do prefer Japanese text. I'll also have to see if I can get Dark prison some how.

In terms of the translation project, I've been working at it for a long while and I think I'm almost done. This next episode looks to be over 1.5 hours long despite cutting out quite a few scenes. Most likely due to the story event that takes place half way through the stage. I thought about splitting it but the transition between the stage and the story part just didn't sit well with me. I'm sure you guys are looking forward to this episode for a very long time. Hopefully I should have it upload it soon.