Thursday, 6 September 2012

SRW Alpha 3 Lightning Round: Selena Stage 0

Well, I've managed to finish the sub for stage 0. Took me some time and some aid from a friend but I'm pretty happy with the results. Hopefully I can keep this up but it's definitely a slow and time consuming process.

A few notes:
- You'll notice that the gameplay to CG transition gets a bit choppy. I've tried re-recording that part but seems it keeps doing it. You don't miss much (maybe a second or so) but it does kinda skips quickly over Bright's line right after the CG. The sub for it shows up while the CG is still playing so you still see what he says.

- The song that plays at the start menu is by Project JAM and called "Gong". It's the theme song for the game.

- I will mostly be translating the story elements on screen. I won't be translating much of the commands or gameplay related stuff other than some stuff during battle animations. I'll probably translate the battle objectives in the game as well. I'm sure you can use some FAQ's on or elsewhere if you require a complete translations for the commands in the game.

- I'm still deciding on whether I want to put the name of the characters inside the chat window. Sometimes English can turn out to be more longer in text and I might not be able to fit it in the chat window with the name in there. I'll keep it as is for now but might change the format later on.

- Ganeden was the last boss in SRW Alpha 2. It tried to seal all humans within Earth in order to protect humans but it also started to attack colonies and anything that is outside of Earth. This war was later called War of Seals.

- STMC stands for Space Terrible Monster Crowd and it's from the Gunbuster anime. Project Carneadas (also borrowed from Gunbuster) was planned to counter STMC threat.

That's about it. Any other questions you might have you can put into the comments and I'll answer them.

Enjoy the video!


  1. This project interests me since I have been thinking about tackling either alpha 2 or 3 as a translator...unfortunately the only way I would be able to do so is by doing a similar setup to you- playing through and translating the story as I go. Do you happen to know if a dumped japanese script of either game is available somewhere online?

    1. I haven't actually looked. It might be available somewhere but it's just easier for me to translate it on the fly when editing the video since I have to add all the text in myself.

  2. Yeah, I guess we're in a similar boat from the hacking standpoint. There's a lot of eyes out there that would like to see your project come to completion, myself included. On that token, I don't want to get in your way with translating the same route either. I'll likely be doing another character playthrough since I also did Selena route first.

    1. Thanks for the support. Good luck with your translation. If you have videos like me, let me know so I can see it :D.

  3. Will do- after a bit of input from some SRW fans, I've decided to work on Alpha 2, and then go from there. Best of luck to you!
